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LV yearly product sales of 5 billion euros (70.9 billion U.S. bucks), the French leather goods only about 3,500 employees on.The plant web site is element with the method, beginning in the factory flooring, trying to keep the organization little batch production.Our conflict is ways to enhance manufacturing, but will not decrease our brand image." Chief executive Yves Carcelle said the new manufacturing facility, the manufacturing unit is surrounded by apricot and cherry orchards.However, the so-called design, Sofia is nothing much more than give their own concepts, "want to do or some thing like that", then style director Julie De Libran (she was accountable for the Louis Vuitton resort and cruise line) to eleven total.For instance, you see the CHANEL, GUCCI, PRADA bag, when the exact fashion you mind, you are going to not hesitate to buy.

But just about every time you see a LV bag, they are hesitant in that, inside the finish choose to obtain one particular?You can find several factors for hesitation: 1st, the same pattern as the cards tough to pleasant, although there are cherries and checkerboard designs, but generally felt somewhat of bad feeling. Secondly, and most important reason could be the large imitation A cargo mind-boggling, leading to also many people that back as well. You say it is a status image, but even the farms carrying classic aunt also, exactly where are you that your sense of superiority?But now the pattern started to shift. Topic of the Queen Enthusiast Bingbing, recent LV bags with custom created, high-profile at the new store opening, attracting onlookers, this purse and baggage, bearing her initials "FBB" 3 daring characters, displaying the specificity of her .To become sincere, the counter in Europe to see the sort of lettering package, I felt a bit thunder.

